Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Welp! It's kind of weird that I spent so much time creating a blog and then disappear, however, it's been mighty crazy at the Shaw household.

Since my last post, Walter has:
- Gotten his tongue snipped - yuck.
- Started crawing
- Gotten his top 2 and bottom 2 teeth
- Pulled himself up - almost walking!
- Battled HFM (Hands Foot Mouth) - that was fun!
- Got croup (again!)
- Sleeps through the night!
- Started eating solids (eggs are his favorite)
- Met Eva, his oldest cousin, for the first time
- Met Uncle Brent!

                                                                         Walteee Bear
                                                                Cousins meet for the first time!

                                                                Bath Time!!
                                                               Hands, Foot, Mouth

He has recently picked up the word "hi" and loves to wave hello and goodbye!  He is such a sweet boy and loves to brighten people's day by giggling and "chirping".

More to come; I just needed a little jump start to get back in the swing of things.


Walter, Bob and Amy

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